A perspicuous Illustration of facing downfall and starting over, Joy R. Richardson made it throughout!

Published by Derek Robins on

Coming up the best after seeing downfalls, one after the other, Joy R. Richardson is now a renowned brand in the market. Dreaming is just an easy job until you wish to make it possible. The story of this young boy who had a passion for arts and music had big dreams. Born on 13th August 1998, in a small town of South Carolina, named Summerville, Joy R. Richardson belongs to a military family. Being passionate about arts, music, and sports, Joy never was motivated enough to follow his passion.

Later, Joy got a chance to move to the Island of Guam, a turning point in his life. His life was stagnant and complacent when in southern Carolina as he never got a chance and explored that much. It was in his good fate that he moved to Guam as the culture he saw was illuminating. People in their culture were the masters of their fashion, as beautiful as one can imagine. It was astonishing to see people on that small island living a life like models every day. They were poised, insanely beautiful, and till high school, a treat to watch and to learn a lot from them.

While in his 18’s, Joy was fully prepared and excelled in navy and moved to Yokosuka, Japan hoping that this is something which he’ll be carrying for the rest of his life. It was going well, until the depression of not following what he wanted to, came into existence in Joy’s mind. It made him more depressed when failed relationships and unsatisfactory morale levels gave him suicidal thoughts.

Having it all throughout, he decided to make the rest of his life which was into pieces, to assemble it back and start it over. It was important to make his daughter believe that Joy was not a failure. It wasn’t easy for me to put myself back in the normal life, but I read it once that “We can’t cure the world of all sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy. We can’t stop the hardships, but we can deal with that” said Joy.

He introduced and launched his own clothing brand, naming Joy Lifestyle Store, the idea for which was there in his mind since a kid. The brand offers amazing and cool clothing stuff for both men and women. This gained his interest back into life and his work on hype. Along with this, he was passionate about modeling and which derived him into the feminine phase. He was into posting and working as a female model rather than just playing males. He said, ‘when we think of modeling, we think of beautiful and powerful females who take over the art to its finest place’. This motivated him to the core and made him work as a female artist in the field of arts and fashion modeling.

Albeit, facing criticism, joy never tends to stop. There were obstacles and the road and journey of this wasn’t easy, he never tends to stop. His only saying is that arts have no gender biases, who so ever can work as either of the genders, even reciprocated. It should majorly express love and the true meaning of arts.
It wasn’t easy for me to put myself back into normal life, but I read it once that “We can’t cure the world of all sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy. We can’t stop the hardships, but we can deal with that” said Joy.