10 Secrets of Website Fail and Ways to Avoid them

Published by Katie Murphy on

Secrets to avoid Website Fail

Many websites fail today and become the major loss in sales and marketing sector the following secrets are behind the falling of a website. We spoke to a Online Invent, a web development company in Melbourne Australia who provided the following tips for companies and web developers to create the greatest chance of success online in today’s online environment.

1. Not Mobile-Friendly:

People use a mobile device to view a website than a desktop computer. If the website is not mobile-friendly (responsive) then it’s time for you to update it if you want to attract more visitors.


If you’re designing a new website, make sure that it’s going to be mobile-friendly and ready for a variety of screen sizes.

2. Poor Design:

The main reason for falling a website is poor design and commonly the design of your website does not match with your business.


 No need to follow a design trend but you needs to make sure that the design of your website connects with your target audience.

3. Unqualified Professionals:

Website built by non-professionals could be a bad deal. Cheap websites usually don’t result in the best solution for your business.


The overall design should be modern and match with your business goals, connect with your audience and have clear call-to-action.

4. Not Optimised For Search:

The buying process begins with a search on Google and if your website can’t be found it’s never going to receive any visitors.


To optimise for the search you need to check that you’re using a mixture of short and long tail keywords in the correct places and check that you’re technical SEO is in good shape.

5. No Promotion:

Lack of promotion is one of the main reasons of website failure. Once your website is live you need to drive visitors to it.


This can be achieved through the following marketing channels;

  • Organic traffic (unpaid Google Search)
  • Referral links (Links from other websites)
  • Social media
  • Email campaigns
  • Paid advertising

6. Slow to Load:

Slow loading of the website is also a common reason to failure of the website. If the website is too slow to load, it will frustrate visitors, causing them to go elsewhere.


It needs to do a speed test on your website to see its current status and identify the issues. Most people like to use GTMetrix and Pingdom to identify any loading issues.

7. No Call-to-Action:

If your website doesn’t have clear call-to-action your visitors won’t know what you want them to do.


There is a need to identify what you want from your customer to do and include it on all of your web pages. By focussing on one call-to-action per page and to limit the choices for visitors and increase your conversions.

8. Broken Links & Pages:

A broken website is an instant fail. If the visitors can’t access the information they are looking for or your contact form, links and images aren’t working, you’re not going to get any customers.


It’s important to keep on top of any issues that can create broken pages and links. It can be caused by updates or errors made whilst editing content. If the website is monitored on a regular basis, you will avoid the loss of customers.

9. Poor Navigation:

Poor Navigation becomes the main reason for a falling website. If your website is full of sub-menus and side menus, and dead ends, your visitors can quickly become lost and leave your website.


Before committing to a new design, ensure that you know what content you want on your website. At this stage, the page content will make easier to create a website structure and make the navigation work much better

10. Content Strategy is Non-Existent:

Your content lives in your blog, but only if you create this content with a fully-focused, repeatable approach. Posting is one thing, but consistently posting with a purpose is another it is one of the main reason for failing a website.


You need to know your target audience, buyer persona, your brand’s voice, your SEO objectives and your distribution channels in order to craft compelling, fresh and accessible content that visitors will crave. Remember, when carefully choreographed, “content is king.”

Katie Murphy

Katie Murphy has been writing for over 6 years now. She was a professor of Science as well. She has found her solace in writing so she decided to pursue a career in writing. Her writing skills is so excellent as compared to the professional writers, so her writing skills may be confirmed independently on globestats.com